Yes. The benefits of studying through a registered training provider are numerous. It is always recommended to find out whether a training provider has been accredited. Visit to find out whether or not the particular provider has been properly accredited.
The purpose of a training provider is to assist you with all the ‘red tape’ and quality assurance that forms part of certification and accreditation. The training provider give you the support you need – providing learning media, facilitators, and e-mail or telephonic support.
The training provider also ensures that your details are loaded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD), where prospective employers can download information about the unit standard credits you have earned.
Yes. The ICB and IBS books have been created to cover the applicable outcomes of the ICB and IBS qualifications, but they can be used for any other courses.
The Revision Questions are very important for your assessment preparation. Remember, however, that they are sample questions only; there may be additional questions asked by the assessing institution.
Yes. All of the solutions to the various exercises, activities and integration tasks, as well as Revision Questions and self-assessments, formative assessments and detailed study plans are included in the Study and Solutions Kits and are thus necessary for study.
A Study & Solutions Kit contains Revision Questions and their solutions, as well as the solutions to the questions in your textbook.
The kit comprises an online learning and/or printed guide. These products have been integrated into your ICB curriculum and include Concept Videos and Revision Questions (Videos).
A workbook is a blank book that relates directly to your textbook. It contains blank templates in which you can fill in your answers to the exercises in the textbook.
No. We do not sell any extra Revision Questions or past exam papers. However, if you have subscribed to the ICB Online Learning Solution, you will have access to a comprehensive set of Revision Questions that will prepare you for your exams for your subject.
The only way to order from us is to create an online account. Simply go to our online shop, register and you will be able to order products relevant to your studies.
No. The only way to order your books is to use our online shop, so you will need to have a reliable Internet connection to place your order.