Creating inclusive content: The key to relevant and effective learning
‘Inclusion is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems and structures which exist in our societies; it is about transforming those systems

Beyond qualifications: Cultivating graduate attributes for future success
When it comes to the professional landscape, obtaining a qualification is merely a stepping stone to true success. The hallmark of a truly successful graduate

The paradox of progress: How AI is bringing education back to its roots
In the whirlwind of technological advancement, especially in recent years, it may seem that education is drifting further from its traditional roots. The rise of

Beyond tooling-up with technology: Evolving education in the Digital Era
Research indicates that the more educated a country’s citizenry is, the higher its GDP per capita and the more prosperous its economy (Bah, 2023). For

Pratschke’s Generativism: An Emerging AI Pedagogy
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into education has accelerated dramatically in recent years, with recent advancements in AI being hailed as transformative for the

The Case for Plain Language in South African Online Education
South Africa’s online education sector is a burgeoning industry with exciting prospects. However, it is also one that faces many challenges. Since much of the